Transferts US : dernières infos…

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  • #415187
    the mx addict

      Lu sur RacerX: Tedesco chez Suz, c’est fait, mais c’est pas encore officiel; Villopoto chez Kawa PC, c’est réglé; Byrne qui resterait chez Kawa US normalement aussi… Concernant le cas Millsaps, ça devrait se jouer entre Yam et Honda US, mais visiblement, les Rouges tiendraient la corde; Ferry de son côté pourrait signer chez Honda Samsung (en Open), Lusk a failli conclure un deal avec le team privé Suz Maestro, mais ça ne s’est pas fait, et pour finir, Townley serait effectivement en contact avec Honda US… Voilà, c’est tout pour l’instant… A suivre…


        Honda tenterait l’aventure avec 2 jeunes (Townley et Millsaps), interressant mais étonnant. Ils ne parlent pas d’un pilote plus experimenté? Fonseca reste chez eux?

        the mx addict

          Who is hiring whom in 2011? If we knew that we’d probably be working for the team and not be able to tell you. So, everything is conjecture at this point…and nobody really knows if some of the teams will be back next year. Here is a crib sheet:

          Team Suzuki: Ryan Dungey is signed for next year and Austin Stroupe is not. Roger DeCoster might stick with Stroupe, given the fact that before he got hurt in the 250 Supercross series he was a contender. On the other hand, Stroupe is a public relations nightmare (and there are bigger fish to fry in the 250 class). Word on the street is that Team Suzuki needs another big buck sponsor, like Teka appliances, to seal the deal with upper management.

          Team Yamaha: There isn’t a Yamaha team, but more of a collective of Yamaha supported teams. Moto Concepts, Star and Valli are carrying the sport on their backs and with their bank accounts. They have some good riders and some bad riders—if they can avoid losing their golden riders to Pro Circuit, they will be able to pick and choose from the rest. The Yamaha model, of dropping their factory team and supporting private efforts, certainly increased the number of Yamaha riders on the track—and other management groups are thinking along the same lines for their teams in the future.

          Team Honda: If the reports are true, Honda will have Trey Canard for 2011. Davi Millsaps is most likely gone and Andrew Short has been there way too long to not have something to show for it. The golden geese are Christophe Pourcel and James Stewart. Honda can afford them, but the suits could just say “forget it” and race with what they have. According to sources, if Team Honda hadn’t had a long-term contract with Red Bull to honor, its motocross team would have been dropped when the road race team folded last year.

          Pro Circuit: Mitch Payton is losing Christophe Pourcel and Jake Weimer to the 450 class, but he keeps Dean Wilson. Rattray is still a question mark (he has never had the chance to show his Supercross chops). No matter how you dice it, Mitch has at least two spots to fill, and he can get whoever he wants for whatever price he wants to pay—that’s how great the reputation of his team is. People think that he will talk to Wil Hahn and Broc Tickle, but Mitch will talk to everyone.

          Team Kawasaki: They have Ryan Villopoto and Chad Reed signed for 2011. Assuming that Chad doesn’t quit, which he seems to threaten to do every season, they are set. Chad says he wants to do NASCAR, but he also said he wants to do Australian V8s—we wonder if before he decides which car series he wants to race, if he will ask them to switch to a one-day format so he can fly in on Friday and fly home on Saturday night.

          Geico Honda: The Factory Connection/Geico/Honda team has the young guns ready to go for 2011. They might drop one rider and add someone new—but they are sitting pretty for the future with Justin Barcia and Eli Tomac. Trey Canard is moving on to the 450 class and Blake Wharton might be without a spot there next year. Apparently Wil Hahn was interested in riding for the Geico squad, but then the Lucas Oil/Troy Lee Designs team matched the offer.

          Team KTM: KTM announced months ago that they will hire two 250 riders and two 450 riders for next season. We’d be willing to bet that Tommy Searle won’t be one of the four. This is a good year for KTM to try to expand. Although most American riders don’t want to go there, riders with GP experience don’t have a problem. Marvin Musquin is coming for sure and they could talk to Townley, Pourcel or Rattray. Obviously Josh Grant, James Stewart, Davi Millsaps, Brett Metcalfe and Kyle Regal are worth talking to. Plus, the old-line guys, who have played out their time on the Big Four, would be open to any paying deal. Mike Alessi has a contract for next year with KTM, but any contract can be dissolved by mutual agreement.

          Team Joe Gibbs: JGR is serious. We think that Josh Grant will leave them and be replaced by as big a name as the NASCAR team can snag. Team Honda used to promise Jeremy McGrath try-outs in their Indy car…maybe Gibbs will use the same bait to try to snatch a big fish with NASCAR ambitions. James Stewart comes to mind. JGR has a good rep, but they need to be careful not to look frivolous in their hiring. Justin Brayton is signed for one more year, and we have heard that Josh Grant might do his own deal with the Metal Mulisha. Stranger things have happened.

          Team L&M: James Stewart is a free agent. He might want to stay at L&M, but no one knows if L&M will still be a Yamaha team in 2011. They could switch brands, James could switch teams and they could also become a full-season race team (Supercross and Nationals). One thing’s for sure, 2010 was a total bust…not only did they lose the Supercross title (thanks to injuries), but they have been invisible since then (unless you count the Bubba’s World cable TV show). It takes a brave sponsor to sign on with a team that makes a brief appearance with no back-up plan to race again until 12 months later.

          the mx addict

            L’âge, sans doute …

            the mx addict

              Reed aurait reçu une offre de Suzuki pour "équiper" son team 22 Motorsports l’an prochain …

              flying v

                 Avec un bon coup de pouce de Rockstar….

                buzz leclair




                    Racer X ‏ @racerxonline

                    Ivan Tedesco is riding the PC 250F today to see about a possible ride this summer. #mx #sx

                    the mx addict
                      the mx addict

                          ce sont des suppositions ou des certitudes ? BB chez Suz par exemple ?


                            (j’ai eu la flemme de faire l’effort de traduction hein…il est tard!)


                              Ils recoupent leurs différentes infos et remplissent un tableau rien de plus.

                              ça va bouger c’est sur.

                              Pour Bagget chez Suz c’est une rumeur insistante si j’ai bien compris, rien de plus pour le moment.

                              the mx addict

                                GuyB aux manettes, tout de même…

                                Largement plus que des suppositions, donc.


                                  Pffff, keskili koné, skonla, dabor?

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